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DSC_0061DSC_0063Since it’s mom’s birthday today I thought it would be a good time to share some really cool pictures from our sightseeing in Texas. We got to take the train to Reunion Tower in Dallas, which was completely rad.DSC_0078The view was incredible, and we got to have lunch at their Cloud Nine Cafe, which was super yum. Apparently all the items on the menu were designed by chef Wolfgang Puck, and there is another restaurant that is fancier called Five Sixty that requires things like making reservations and a dress code. You can get more information about the tower here. DSC_0101Being in a hotel room with my mother for 6 days could have been the worst, but I am so thankful that it wasn’t. I think God really wanted us to have a little vacation, because that’s what it felt like. We even worked out together in the tiny little hotel gym, which was pretty hilarious. The past few years have definitely been rough at times, but there has also been some positive growth, especially when it comes to the relationships in our family. I’m very happy to have my mom, I would never want another woman to take her place. DSC_0076